Can a taxpayer submit more than one Offer in Compromise?
- David Greene
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Yes, one can certainly file a second Offer after a rejection, especially when there is a change in your circumstances. However, we should look at another possibility first. When an Offer is rejected, you have 30 days from the date of…
Can one ever settle with the IRS for less that he owes?
- David Greene
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I get this question is some form at least once a week. I have not answered it in awhile, so here is my answer. The beginning of the new year is a good time to answer this. Many times the…
- David Greene
Well, Christmas is over and we have rung in the New Year. During this past week many people made New Year resolutions. Did you make any? Most of these deal with either working on a healthier and better body or…
New Year Thoughts
- David Greene
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As most of you know, the majority of my practice is dealing with IRS problems and Estate Planning. Today I want to pass along some thoughts about both of those areas. Even as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, our problems…
What is my process for resolving delinquent taxes for clients?
- David Greene
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Since each case is unique to its own set of facts, I can only discuss general guidelines of our process. When one retains me, he will sign a Form 2848 Limited Power of Attorney that allows me to represent him…
What should a taxpayer do after receiving a threatening letter from the IRS?
- David Greene
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Even though most IRS offices are still closed due to COVID-19, some letters, computer generated and otherwise, are still being sent. When a person receives any Notice from the IRS, here are several things he can do: (1) Don’t panic. …
Should I file my 2019 return if I did not file last year?
- David Greene
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First, you should know that you now have until July 15 to file your 2019 return. No matter what else you do or don’t do, be sure to file your return on time. You should do this even if you…
- David Greene
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In conjunction with the CARES Act and other directives from the President, the IRS has begun a new initiative called the People First Initiative. The highlights are as follows: If you are in an existing Installment Agreement, payments due between…
Which people get in tax trouble the most?
- David Greene
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I can’t say that there is any one group that tends to get in trouble more than any other, but there is one type of taxpayer who tends to get in trouble frequently. Self employed people tend to find themselves…
Is refusing to file taxes a criminal offense?
- David Greene
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This is an area that the IRS pursues very vigorously, so there are more people than one might think who do this. Here I’m talking about people who take the position that taxes are illegal and do not need to…