Posts Tagged ‘payroll taxes’

Hints to help new businesses stay out of tax trouble.

  • David Greene
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There are many hints or suggestions I can give a new businessman, but I do not have that much room.  I will give you five very important hints to keep you straight with the IRS.  First, form your business as…

How does the IRS determine who owes the Trust Fund Penalty?

  • David Greene
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The Trust Fund Penalty (TFP) is not really a penalty but is instead a portion of the payroll taxes a company is required to collect from employees and pay to the IRS.  The employer withholds federal, social security and Medicare…

Should one retain a professional to represent her in an audit?

  • David Greene
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The answer is definitely “Yes.”  The primary thing that needs to be addressed in an audit is to supply the revenue officer with a complete set of documents and information that he requests, but not extraneous information.  The professional representative…

Business owners: Beware of a new filing deadline for 2017.

  • David Greene
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Most small business owners and sole proprietors who have employees file their own employment and other tax returns.  This article is especially for you.  In the past employers have been required to issue W-2 forms to their employees by January…

Can criminal charges be brought for not paying payroll taxes?

  • David Greene
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A business owner who has not paid the payroll taxes of his employees will usually have the trust fund penalty assessed against him, making him personally liable for the federal taxes withheld. Most trust fund cases are not criminal because…

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