Is there any truth to the argument that personal income taxes are illegal?
- David Greene
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I get this kind of inquiry every couple of years. The argument is that the IRS only has authority to collect taxes from corporations, not individuals. Over the course of my practice, I have represented several individuals who tried to…
Can the IRS use private debt collectors to collect delinquent taxes?
- David Greene
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Yes, the IRS has begun that practice again, but only if certain criteria are met. If you remember, several years ago the IRS used private debt collectors on a wide variety of cases. They eventually stopped the practice due to…
Does a divorced person still owe the taxes generated in a previous marriage?
- David Greene
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I have been asked this question many times before. The general answer is that he owes all of the taxes because he signed the return. For a joint return the signers are jointly and severally liable for the tax. This…
What is the status of tax credits for tax year 2015?
- David Greene
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Will any of the tax credits we had in tax year 2014 still be available for tax year 2015? Yes, I’m happy to say that the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 preserved many of the consumer…
What exactly is the Trust Fund Penalty?
- David Greene
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First let me clarify that the Trust Fund Penalty is not really a penalty added to tax owed but is a portion of the payroll taxes owed by a corporation. The Trust Fund Penalty only applies to corporations, not to…
How long does the Offer in Compromise process take?
- David Greene
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Let me make one thing clear at the outset, dealing with the IRS is not like dealing with your neighbor down the street or a local business. A submitted Offer will not be resolved in a matter of a few…
When can a business deduct gifts to Charities?
- David Greene
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Gifts to charities by a business are not alweays deductible, but in some cases they are. The IRS Chief Counsel recently issued an Advice Ruling in which he said that when a business conducts a promotion where it advertises that…
Are consumer tax return preparation programs right for everyone?
- David Greene
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The answer depends on the complexity of your tax situation. If you have only W-2 income and claim the standard deduction, you can probably prepare your own tax return or the available programs would be fine. However, if you claim…
How to fight IRS denial of your Earned Income Credit and exemptions.
- David Greene
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Many people find their Earned Income creit and/or claim for exemptions for relatives denied by the IRS each year. This usually arises in the context of recently separated or divorced parents. Both will claim the exemption and credit and the…
When can the 10% early withdrawal penalty for IRAs be avoided?
- David Greene
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Money can be withdrawn from an IRA at any time for any reason, but if it is withdrawn before the owner reaches 59 ½ a 10% penalty will generally be imposed. However, there are certain circumstances where the 10% penalty…