Can failure to pay taxes result in jail time?
- David Greene
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Yes you can go to jail for non-payment of taxes, but your failure to file and pay must be with the deliberate intent to defraud the government. In most cases the failure to file is not a deliberate attempt to…
Does the Frersh Start program work for companies?
- David Greene
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The Fresh Start program for companies is not discussed much, but it is there in a different format. The Fresh Start for business offers an Express Installment Agreement. To qualify, the business must meet the following criteria: (1) the amount…
What is the Expanded Fresh Start Program?
- David Greene
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The Fresh Start program has been expanded. It was recently expanded to help taxpayers who owe up to $100,000 in delinquent taxes. They will be able to enter into an Expedited Installment Agreement if they can pay the balance due…
Learn what the IRS charges to set up an Installment Agreement.
- David Greene
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The IRS charges a user fee to set up an Installment Agreement for a taxpayer. The IRS used to charge a user fee of $43.00 to set up the account for the Installment Agreement. However, several years ago, this fee…
Why should you voluntarily increase your monthly tax Installmant Agreement payments?
- David Greene
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If you are in an Installment Agreement and find that you could easily be paying more per month you should consider doing so, for by increasing your payment you will pay off the Agreement early and save interest. You do…
What is the Fresh Start progran for those who owe delinquent taxes?
- David Greene
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The Fresh Start program helps many taxpayers but not all. It is designed to help those with smaller amounts owing in delinqueat taxes. Basically the program provides a simple way for taxpayers owing less than $25,000 in delinquent taxes to…
Will the IRS keep your tax refund even after you successfully negotiate an Offer in Compromise?
- David Greene
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The Offer in Compromise is a contract between the taxpayer and the IRS. The taxpayer promise to do certain things and the IRS promises to do (write off part of the debt) or not do (levy assets) certain things. One…
Will a taxpayer be in criminal trouble because he has a very large tax debt?
- David Greene
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As I’ve stated many times before, a taxpayer is not going to jail for non-payment of taxes. There has to be some kind of fraud or deliberate attempt to avoid tax involved to be referred to the criminal division. By…
Changes in IRS collection methods for 2017 that make it harder to resolve a delinquent taxpayer’s debt.
- David Greene
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Here are five new changes in IRS collections techniques. 1. The IRS is using private debt collectors for the third time. They sometimes can be easier to deal with than a revenue officer, but usually they have less leeway in…
Can a taxpayer file more than one Offer in Compromise?
- David Greene
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Yes a taxpayer can certainly file a second Offer, especially when there is a change in his financial circumstances. However, we should look at another possibility first. When an Offer is rejected, the taxpayer has 30 days from the date of the official rejection…