How can you protest taxes you believe you do not owe?
- David Greene
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Many times you can protest the assessment of taxes by the IRS The timing of the protest is important. We have discussed appeals in the past and you certainly might be able to appeal the notice of additional tax. I…
How late can a taxpayer file a return and still get his refund?
- David Greene
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Last week we talked about a lost refund. This question presents a different problem. The answer to the question depends on when the return was filed. If, for instance, a 2012 return was filed before April 15, 2016 it just…
What documents must be filed with an Offer based on Doubt as to Liability?
- David Greene
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Before I answer, I want to tell all my readers that the 2017 tax season will officially start on January 23 and the deadline for filing this year in April 18. The Offer in Compromise program is a voluntary program…
Can the IRS force the recipient of a gift to pay the gift tax when the donor does not?
- David Greene
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When the donor of a large gift does not pay the gift tax owed, the IRS can seek to have the tax paid by the donee. This usually occurs in the situation where the donor has died without paying the…
Will refusing delivery of a certified letter from the IRS defeat their attempt at service?
- David Greene
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Unfortunately the tactic you propose will not work. In state court, I must serve a defendant either in person or through certified mail restricted delivery. If by mail, the defendant must sign the receipt or the service is not valid. …
Are income taxes really illegal?
- David Greene
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Many people hear the urban legends or talk to scam artists who say that income taxes are illegal and then ask me if that is true. Most of these usually happen around April 15. I have been getting some of…
Can a Family Court Order stating only one spouse is liable for taxes stop an IRS levy against the other spouse?
- David Greene
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Unfortunately, a Family Court Order stating only one spouse is liable for taxes cannot stop the IRS from taking action by levy or otherwise against the other spouse if both signed the tax return.. Since the IRS is a federal…
What does the IRS mean by “Currently Not Collectible” status?
- David Greene
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There is an IRS program called Currently Not Collectible Status. To qualify for that status you do not need to be destitute with no assets and no job. You do need to be in such a position that all or…
Can the IRS collect taxes accrued in another state after you move to a different state?
- David Greene
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First, unfortunately there is no question that ones federal tax liability will follow him to another state. The IRS can easily find you by several means, so it is just a matter of time before those nasty letters will be…
Learn more about the ability to file subsequent Offers in Compromise after rejection.
- David Greene
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Last week I discussed the rejection of an Offer because the income was too high and then the Offer applicant was laid off. I discussed the necessity of having a source of income to file an Offer at any time….