Posts Tagged ‘Conservator’

If I have a Power of Attorney do I need a will?

  • August 7th, 2020
  • David Greene
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A Power of Attorney and a will are not related and one has no effect on the other.  A Power of Attorney has legal validity only during a person’s lifetime and a will has legal validity only after a person…

What is the difference between a Power of Attorney and a Conservatorship?

  • November 26th, 2019
  • David Greene
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These are two legal powers that, in many instances, accomplish the same purpose in two completely different ways.  I’ll discuss the Power of Attorney today and the Conservatorship next week.  There are several kinds of Powers of Attorney but the…

How important is it to have a durable Power of Attorney?

  • May 1st, 2018
  • David Greene
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It is very important! A durable Power of Attorney (POA) is simply legal authorization for someone else to act on one’s behalf. This usually only occurs if the grantor of the POA is incapacitated, but it can be useful in many…

Successful seminar

  • January 25th, 2016
  • David Greene
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Hope everyone had a good time in the snow. We had a great Estate Planning seminar and meal last Thursday evening before the snow. Some very good questions were asked, which showed that the attendees were involved and interested.  We…

The difference between a Power of Attorney and Conservatorship

  • November 10th, 2015
  • David Greene
  • Comments Off on The difference between a Power of Attorney and Conservatorship

These are two legal powers that accomplish the same purpose in two completely different ways. I’ll discuss the Power of Attorney today and the Conservatorship in my next blog. There are several kinds of Powers of Attorney but the most…

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