- David Greene
My staff and I want to take this opportunity to wish for you a very happy and joyous Thanksgiving and I want to thank you for being my clients, my readers and my friends. Also, I want to urge all of my readers to dwell on things we all can be thankful for in the Spirit of the Season. I’m sure that for every negative situation we face, we can offset it with a positive situation for which we can be thankful. I do not like
paying taxes any more than the next citizen, and I know that literally millions of our tax dollars are wasted by government every year. However, I am thankful for all the things our tax dollars provide, such as the armed services that protect us from foreign enemies, the police forces that protect us from domestic enemies and those who enforce the Constitution that ensures our freedom of religion. I am also thankful for the local, state and federal employees that help us every day by picking up trash, handling our water and sewage needs, keeping our parks green and our highways in repair. Most of the time we take all of these blessings for granted, but everyone who has traveled overseas will agree with me, I believe, that our standard of living and our level of comfort far exceed that of other countries. I hope you will take a few moments this Thanksgiving week to reflect on all the things our taxes provide for us and all the blessings we enjoy. Be sure to thank your friends and family for what they do for you and thank the Lord for your blessings. If we can help you with any legal problem please call us for your free visit.