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Are Social Security benefits non-taxable in all situations?

  • David Greene
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The answer is both “yes and “no.”  Here’s what I mean.  If your Social Security is truly your only income, it is not taxable.  This is true whether it is Social Security Disability or your entitlement based on your age. …

How does one dispute payroll taxes assessed by the IRS?

  • David Greene
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There are various ways to dispute the assertion by the IRS that you owe additional payroll taxes. Has the tax actually been assessed or have you simply been notified that you might owe this?  Also, if it has been assessed…

How can one of several owners force the sale of land?

  • David Greene
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First, try to sell your dad’s interest to one or more of his brothers for FMV.  If that does not work, the law does provide a way out of his dilemma.  It is called a Partition Action.  He must file…

Is there a Fresh Start Program for businesses?

  • David Greene
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The Fresh Start program for companies is not discussed much, but it is there in a different format.  The Fresh Start for business offers an Express Installment Agreement.  To qualify, the business must meet the following criteria: (1) the amount…

What is the likelihood of being audited?

  • David Greene
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This is a difficult question to answer.  The IRS computers use several criteria to target returns for audit, including if the current return shows much less income than the past year, an extremely high amount in deductions, or if the…

Can the IRS seize property held in the non-debtor’s name?

  • David Greene
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Yes, they can in certain circumstances.  If person A has a tax debt and transfers his property to person B for less than fair market value, the IRS can void that transfer through a court action.  This is pursued under…

Tax tips for Start-ups

  • David Greene
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Here are some tips relative to the financial and tax implications of a new business.  To make the best decisions, you should consult with an attorney or accountant when implementing these tips. (1) Pick a business structure – S or…

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